Josh Kalderimis - Desconstruindo Travis
Josh Kalderimis - Desconstruindo Travis
- 08/30/2012 at 09:30 p.m.
- Recorded on Aug. 30, 2012, 9:30 p.m.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year you might know of Travis CI, the continuous integration service for the open source community.
Travis started as a single GitHub project which was a rails app and a resque background task. Compare that to 12 months later where Travis is now four separate deployable apps, uses two different rubies (1.9.2 and jruby), and comprises a total of 10 GitHub projects.
Apart from looking at how Travis works now, we will also look at how it got there, and how we broke Travis up into smaller more manageable, more concise encapsulated services.
Josh is a top 30 Ruby on Rails contributor and has been working with the framework since 2008. He maintains a bunch of open-source Ruby projects, including multi_json, linkedin, faraday_middleware and his own completeness-fu. He's also one of Amsterdam.rb's organizers, and an integral part of the core Travis-CI team.
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